IES Madhyamik Vidyalaya Vijaydurga
Name of the School | IES Madhyamik Vidyalaya Vijaydurga |
School Address | Taluka-Devgad, Dist. Sindhudurg 416 806. |
School First Recognition No. | एस-२/प्र.मान्यता/कोवि/२९३६३/७० कोल्हापूर, दि. २१/११/८५ |
School UDISE Number | 27330106801 |
Phone Number | (02364) 245 243 |
Whether Aided / Unaided | Aided |
Name of the School HM / Incharge | Shri. Gundu Birje |
School Timing | 10.15 AM to 4.10 PM |
School Office Hours | 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM |
Indian Education Society
Raja Shivaji Vidyasankul,
Hindu Colony, Dadar (East),
Mumbai - 400 014, Maharashtra, India.