IES S.V. Nabar Guruji Vidyalaya

Name of the School IES S.V. Nabar Guruji Vidyalaya
School Address S.K. Bole Road, Dadar - 400 028.
School First Recognition No. S-67 ( C) 15-C Dt 15/12/1939
School UDISE Number 27230100321
Phone Number 9324502171
Whether Aided / Unaided Aided
Name of the School HM / Incharge Smt. Shobha Dalvi
School Timing 8.00 AM to 1.30 PM
School Office Hours 8.00 AM to 3.00 PM

Contact Info

Indian Education Society
Raja Shivaji Vidyasankul,
Hindu Colony, Dadar (East),
Mumbai - 400 014, Maharashtra, India.

Quick Links
